Feb 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thanks for Sharing , My wife and I enjoy listening to the world according to Ben Stein in the evening and on our travels. Really cannot watch it live, we live in Florida and usually are sleepy by ten

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Ben, that was beautiful..... you always amaze me! Thank you!

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Ben, you are awesome and a ray of light in all this darkness. Thank you. Please come to The New Internet. It’s safe and a place for conservatives. We need a big voice. Check it out

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

What is the new internet?

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Feb 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Great words to live by. Thank you for sharing Mr Stein.

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Feb 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Have we seen all the rats running to their nest now? Nicky Heally is the latest in denounce P. Trump, by saying "He let us down" "we should not have listen to him" NICKY, Should we have listen to Biden when he said " we have put together the biggest fraud in History" his words, not mine, seem than those words are now been errased. What was wrong to have listen to P. Trump who is the only WHO SPEAKS THE TRUTH. or because you Nicky H, have ambitiouns to run for president and in order to get some votes you are willing to switch sides and be the same hypocrite as so many others? or are you, like so many others, putting out your finger and see how the wind blows, OH, there it is! I need to change my opinion to my own convinience. Shame on you. If you have any cridibility left then EXPLAIN, WHY HAS P.TRUMP LET US DOWN? HE DID NOT ME!!! or WHY SHOULD WE NOT HAVE LISTEN TO HIM? ABOUT WHAT? SINCE WHEN THE TRUTH IS OFFENSIVE? get your facts straight and if you won to run for president, YOU BETTER LEARN TO BE TRUE TO VALUES, WE DO NOT NEED ONE MORE OF SO MANY WE HAVE NOW, IN THE WH. AND IN CONGRESS. You, McConnelm his wife E. Chau, and SO MANY have received P. Trump's support and you all have benefited from hiim. Now, like JUDAS you are selling your soul for some devalueted coins?

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Thanks Ben, Time to celebrate!!! the fiasco of Impeachment has just ended in NOT GUILTY!!! in spite of the 7 Rep, Senators voted to convict. Always the same morons, envious, chicken brains and full of hate. It could not have been any other way. THERE WAS NO CRIME TO CONVICT!!! i believe in history only JESUS was condemned and sacrificed more than our president Donald Trump. But today is redemption and motive for 75 Millions of "WE THE PEOPLE" to celebrate. I will open a Malbec from my grapes in Argentina to have a toast. The Champagne will come in 2024. To all of you have a great Sunday. Go to Church, or pray in the confort of your home. Give thanks! once more God has showed us, that truth will always and shall always take center stage. But also Remember, IT IS US WHO NEED TO CONTINUE THE MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD. In spite of the $ BILLIONS from the Oligarch in High Tech, and all the liars in Congress, Again, Our President is NOT GUILTY. Thank you God. Thanks Ben, keep up the good work.

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Feb 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Glad you are back. Enjoyed your insights. As we are going through a week of hipocrizy, hate and waste of our $ in Congress I couldn't help to think about Jesus Prayer: "our Fahter in heaven, halloweeb by your name, Your Kingdom come, YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" impossible!!! the bar is too high. All in heaven is PERFECT. we on Earth is like THE WILL OF HELL" when I listen to all the crap of politicians, I can only think about " When the body of the people or any single man is deprived of their right. or is under the excercise of a power withouth right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven" I came to the point, ALL WE HAVE LEAFT NOW IS TO APPEAL TO HEAVEN!!!

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I always miss the you tube live as Tuesday lives as it is a very busy day for me and my recovery. I am not anonymous because I know my story saves lives. I have heard Ben speak vaguely of his 12 step journey and would love to hear more. I am president of our local Alano club and by the grace of God we got deemed essential and we still have meetings. On Tuesday I start cooking tacos at 2 and we start serving at 430 and continue to serve through our NA meeting "Taco-Bout-it " until 630. I clean up and get the main meeting room ready for our next NA meeting at 7. I skip this meeting but I finish my day with a men's book study in our upstairs meeting room from 730 to 830. It is a lot but by the grace of God I have not used mind altering drugs since August 31, 2002. I love watching your show Wednesday morning. Thanks for what you do

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