Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thank you, Mr. Stein. I was mcmm1965 on Parler and your insight and commentary were some of best parts of my introduction into the app. I too am hopeful Mr. Matze and his company return ASAP. I’m bewildered and increasingly alarmed by each new day’s assault on free speech and the strident march toward socialism. AOC, an ardent advocate of socialist idiocy, displays a profoundly unimpressive intellectual curiosity for anything or anyone outside of her own ever-narrowing path of social virtues. She also seems to be gloriously unaware of the fact that the word “Nazi” is an acronym for the “National Socialist German Workers’” party.

Ya know who ELSE is gloriously unaware of their own lack of learning and sophistication? Rednecks, to borrow from Jeff Foxworthy. We rednecks can be found in our natural habitat here in those “red states” AOC just renamed as “suppressed states that be liberated”. I told my husband two years ago to not underestimate the power of the pretty girl with politically correct bona fides, in reference to AOC. She commits premeditated stupidity with regular abandon and never pays any price for it.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

I’m still laughing... premeditated stupidity! Ha!

Well, that about sums up AOC!

Dang that’s funny! 😂😂😂

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

““Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.””

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:7-8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Mr. Stein,

My wife and I, as well, offer our services to the country’s greatest president: President Donald John Trump. Should he or anyone on his team need the services of a paralegal/legal services professional (my wife) OR a data analytics professional with an MBA in Project management (myself), we are ready to serve this great man in whatever capacity he needs. We support our President, are closely following all the goings on across the country and globe, and are holding tight to our mustard seeds and keeping the faith.

May God bless the United States, all us patriots, and may God bless President Trump and the First Lady.

Jakob and Dee

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Thank you, Mr. Stein, for supporting the first president in my lifetime to actually GET THINGS DONE! But I have a question. What do you think about the formation of a third party? Most of us are sick of RINOS and NEVER-TRUMPERS. A new party, perhaps a MAGA party, could clarify the desire Americans have for a vision of America first--without the imperialism.

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Jan 18, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Oh, my dear sweet Jesus!

I just read something and I’ll do my best to post a link...


Read this, dear friends!

And get into groups - two or more, and praise God!

It’s is happening - I feel it in my heart!

This is it! Hallelujah!

FTR - I slept amazingly well last night - first time in months.

I’m going to pray non-stop today!

Ben, it’s time to rejoice! Praise the Lord! 🙏

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Good Morning Dan, I read your post from yesterday and accessed the link you provided. I have been thinking along these lines for over a month now, after first reading Executive Order #13848. I believe a large net as been cast. However, this scorched earth measure may create an environment by which President Trump may not be able to be sworn in again and be our President for an additional four years. There just is not enough time to present the evidence and prove the fraud . . . the clock has run out in this game. But, I don’t necessarily think the MAGA season is over.

If you believe the reports, there is at least 50 percent of this country who want Donald J Trump out. This is an untenable situation, especially since the opposition has proven its knee jerk response to any given situation they perceive to be unjust is VIOLENCE. I have been struggling with other options for weeks. Then it finally hit me . . . A possible win or at the very least an opportunity to regroup. President Trump leaves the Presidency and is able to ‘fight another day’ . . . stop your groaning, hear me out. What better parting gift to America than to fulfill his promise to “drain the swamp.” The EO has already been enacted, the day he signed it. Essentially, the trap was baited, and then he waited. The entrapped are all now scrambling to get away, hence all the political theater of late.

There in lies the dilemma of wishful thinking. Supposedly, half of this country are in the camp of the Elites and Propagandists and the other half are primarily Constitutional Patriots. We are still divided and engaged in a bitter “cultural Civil War.” It is sad to say, but President Trump is very polarizing, all be it, the most effective President this country has ever seen. If the Biden/Harris team fails to be inaugurated, “Swamp” disciples arrested, Traitors in Congress removed (i.e., the Mob Princess and her crowd) who does that leave in a viable leadership position? A ship cannot be rudderless.

Charles Ernest Grassley, the president pro tempore of the United States Senate.

I was up all night mulling this over . . . it might work. This just might give this Republic a second chance or at least buy us some time for we will have to have new, special elections with INTEGRITY, so all citizens can have representation. The radical element from our society, i.e., globalists corporations and propagandists media need to be neutralized, which I believe EO 13848 will do. Rational opposing discourse is always welcome, but libelist rhetoric is not. I’m all for free speech, but on a level field - no lies, no spin and hypocrisy should be HEEDED and rejected. With new representatives, new legislation can be passed and this country can then start to reunite. By President Trump stepping back, he then can become a respected Elder statesman, perhaps to run again or not, but continue to do great things for a country NOT smothering in ashes.

If this “great dredging” should come to pass in the hours and days ahead, as many believe, there will a lot of upheaval, hence the massive military presence. But, If the opposition has lost the focus of their ire, they may be more easily subdued. President Trump is very smart man. He started a Patriotic wave that I believe has not been seen in this country since WWII. His mark on history has been made and he knows it. Leaving the Presidency may be part his plan.

I guess only time will tell. Buckle up kids, it going to be a bumpy ride.

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Perhaps it has to transpire completely to be able to be defeated completely...

Who knows, but my faith isn’t shaken. It’s ROCK SOLID.

My trust, my faith is in God Almighty, not men. Not even Trump. He will do what his plan is - and if it’s His Plan, God’s, then nothing is impossible.

Good post - I love to read your thoughtful responses. 🙏

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thanks for your show and news letter. My wife and I enjoy hearing you discussions . It truly is frightening but God is in charge and there is a reason our country through this

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Hope you’ll check out CloutHub & see if it’s s good fit. I always enjoy your wisdom.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thank you for putting a smile on my face today! I live in the heart of D.C., and am, of course, pretty alone in my political stances here, but I am thankful for people like you who remind me that as long as there are bright and resourceful people who value freedom and liberty, that it is never over. I lived third-world in East Africa for over six years, so I know and see the danger for our country in the stances of so many fairly (and unfairly) elected people in office now. We have to stand together, fight for each other, and cling to the ideals that we know are true and are the only path forward that can bring us back from the brink of the destruction of our country. Thank you for offering your services to President Trump. I pray for him and his family. I worry that they will continue to be harassed and persecuted long after he is out of office. He told the world what the swamp really was, and they can never forgive him for it. The only way they can break the mirror that he jammed in their faces is to try to completely annihilate his existence, as if he never even was.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

To Ben & the gang -

I’m like 99.99999999% sure he’s gonna get them. He’s no quitter and he’s gotta be as mad as we are - in fact, he should be even more angry.

I think the behind the scenes stuff would give us HUGE hope, but the reality is you don’t reveal your plan to anyone, but your closest allies.

I think that’s why you see Mike Lindell and Patrick Byrne around him. Trump’s biggest mistake was who he surrounded himself with during term 1...

Or, was it? 😉

Maybe, just maybe, he knew they were bad actors and the “friends close, enemies closer” axiom is at play.

I can’t say he’s not brilliant - maybe it’s been his plan all along-

Withstand the slings and arrows through Term One - to lower the FUCKING BOOM in Term Two.

It’s my hope. And it’s a masterful plan if it is...

I’m with you guys. Gab sucks donkey dick... I almost gave them the $100 too. Thank God the site is so wonky it wouldn’t let me.

It said I had to be logged in first to donate. How’d I get to that screen if I wasn’t logged in... dumbass interface! 😂😂😂

No $$$ for you clowns. Ha!

I’m gonna take lots of deep, cleansing breaths today and toss up bullet prayers all day!

Thx everyone - talking to you helps me more than I can say. If nothing else - I feel like I’ve gained lots of awesome friends for all the trouble we’ve endured. I’m grateful for that.

Be well Patriots! Thx again Ben for giving us a forum to vent, share ideas and frustrations, and most importantly, to encourage each other. Have an abundance of faith right now. God is in charge! He’s got this!

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True sentiments shared by many.

In a desperate move born from Parler withdrawal, I opened a Twitter account yesterday (aliased) that I might at least follow those I knew to be still behind enemy lines. Good Lord Almighty, what a chaotic mess, no wonder it’s all the rage with the youth of today (yes, I’m old).

Twitter is an unfortunate testament to the mind set of the intellectually challenged and woefully under educated. But through all the noise you will occasionally stumble upon a well-thought out thesis that warrants additional thought and subsequent investigation.

Your premise that President Trump will not reveal his plan is a valid one, he stated as much when first campaigning. The censoring of him may have been planned . . . but by which side?

I feel he has been moving pieces, always keeping the opposition on the defense, slowly moving into place. It is a tedious approach, but when fighting “rules for radicals,” a necessary one. Silencing him, or at least perceiving to have, gives the opposition a chance to sit back on their laurels and gloat. While doing so, the next stage can be set.

To add to your premise, I propose additional fodder. As of last week, Space Command is now to be Headquartered in Alabama, a solidly red state, moved from blue, “woke” Colorado. (My apologies to my fellow Coloradans, but we are now ruled by the Republic of Boulder and their ilk.)

Why would this happen now? It was one of ex-Sen. Cory Gardner’s crowning achievements; to be located in Colorado Springs. I find these changes and timing interesting.

Keep the Faith.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Ditto! Me old too - 59 and staring 60 right in the kisser!

I also appreciate a well-thought out response... I wasn’t always gifted with this - my normal response is a throat punch and an overnight in the clink! Ha!

But, with age comes a smidgen of wisdom (still waiting - hoping 🙏)...

I’m hoping next Thursday finds several people in 6x 8 cells, wondering WTF just happened. 😏

Have fun - God bless & thanks for the reply!

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I turned 61 in June and share your sentiment. I wonder about how quickly both 61 years of age and the deterioration of our country took place. I must remind myself to keep the faith and that good trumps evil.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Our Hope is "President Trump will declare himself Libertarian" and 74 million of us will move to declare ourselves the same . The USA is being ran by 2 Gangs "who are dividing our lots over to themselves , enriching only them". I believe even "Mafia Model" is destroying our Nation , one state , one city , one county at a time . Its time to Stand with President Trump again as "America's Gang"

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Jan 18, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

You rock Ben Stein! Keep doing what you do! Looking forward to that new platform when you find it! Keep us posted!

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thank you for your courage and clear thinking. America is facing what happens when many of its people lack an understanding of civics. Carry on Patriot.

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thank you Ben Stein...I look forward to this letter and to being truthful and sincere. It is appreciated. Lady from TN

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Jan 17, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Have you considered MeWe?

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Please be wise by making your own app now; do not spend your time and money building anything on youtube or iTunes or any platform that you have no control over because obviously they will control your content and shut you down. Make an app that we can download onto our devices; that way we can keep every episode and watch or listen to them again, and you will be building on YOUR platform and not theirs.

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Jan 16, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

So honorable of you to continue to stand behind our wonderful POTUS, when so many others have abandoned him.

Genuinely ridiculous that we can't impeach members of Congress, Pelosi explicitly, for putting forth and completing an impeachment in 7 hours, all without even a single investigatory report completed.

Had they bothered to wait UNTIL an actual investigation had been even partially completed, they would have seen that this was a pre-planned event and having nothing to do with Trump's speech.

Is there ANYTHING any of us can do legally to hold Congress responsible for false impeachment statements?

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