I’m very interested in shopping with American companies now. I’d love to see the list you come up with. I no longer buy from Coca Cola, Kohl’s, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Amazon.

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Start by buying from local businesses whenever possible. They don't hide behind C-Suite boards who pontificate through tweets. You'll know the good ones almost immediately.

After that it's a guessing game until someone exposes their true values.

The challenge since the left's agenda acceleration is getting our fellow Americans to take the high road instead of the easy road. Lots of folks post how they're taking a stand, and yet they'll still patronize the very business they complain about.

Who has STOPPED buying from Amazon, Starbucks, Apple, Dicks, Harbor Freight, etc? Who has STOPPED using Google, Gmail, Airbnb, Uber, Lift, or any of the airlines? Who's STOPPED watching NBA, NFL, MLB?

The ONLY way to win is to support business who value freedom, and STOP doing business with any and all of the supporters of tyranny, marxism and fear.

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If anyone is on Gab, they have a huge list of Patriot-owned businesses.

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I've been bookmarking a lot of those vendors so I can buy from them later. I've stopped buying from so many businesses that my monthly discretionary spending is down to about $100/month vs $1k/month prior. The left is saving me a ton of money if you don't count the fact that I'll be losing my job soon thanks to their mandates.

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Here is one brave company we should support as much as possible: Hobby Lobby! They are targeted repeatedly for their Christian values and they are willing to go to court and fight for religious freedom. God Bless the owners of Hobby Lobby, and God Bless Ben Stein! Love your Rumble podcasts by the way. I watch each one at least twice and share them with my daughter.

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I agree they are a good Christian company that has fought the good fight. I am really disappointed that they are forcing their employees to wear masks unless they are vaccinated. Christians should not be pressuring anyone to get the vaccine that was developed with aborted fetus cells. Faith over fear. Masks are nothing more than virtue signalling and are another example of 'caving' in my opinion as they have been proven to be ineffective against viral transmission.

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I think of the virus vs mask as a 707 flying through a cloud... neithar has any effect on the other.

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Chick-fil-a is a good business.

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I no longer patronize HEB Grocery, Kohl's, Coca~Cola and the NFL.

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