A famous Nazi Joseph Goebbels once said that “”if you tell a lie long enough people will start to believe it” well this has practiced by the DNC and the deep state bureaucrats for decades. The truth: Four positively-charged amino acids in sequence - unnatural. And the cleavage in the spike protein was altered to protect it from being hydrolyzed and cut off from the spherical viral body - so our bodies can't destroy the virus. Man- made!
A famous Nazi Joseph Goebbels once said that “”if you tell a lie long enough people will start to believe it” well this has practiced by the DNC and the deep state bureaucrats for decades. The truth: Four positively-charged amino acids in sequence - unnatural. And the cleavage in the spike protein was altered to protect it from being hydrolyzed and cut off from the spherical viral body - so our bodies can't destroy the virus. Man- made!