Not only are they targeting the trucker's bank accounts but any Canadian that contributed money to them under the same domestic terrorism umbrella. Seems Canada just became a police state.

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Trudeau is much worse than Putin. Trudeau is violating his own constitution and promoting violence against truckers and those that support them. Castro’s son has not fallen far from the tree. He is a fully ripened fascist imposing his will on the people of Canada.

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I am deeply dismayed that, given the fact that Trudeau is the PM of a coalition government, that not ONE of the leaders of the other parties has not resigned over his precipitous invocation of these 'emergency powers' when, in fact, NO actual emergency exists beyond the fact that the Fascist, Justin Trudeau has decided to crush dissent with the borders of Canada.

'Baby Doc' Trudeau is a chip off the old block, 'Papa Doc' Trudeau. Perhaps, one day, Canadians will learn not to elect leftists to positions of power, a lesson that Americans seem to be learning at long last.

Whatever happened to "Canada Nice"?

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I believe (and if I were a leftist it would therefore be fact...) that Canada, and the rest of western civilization won't be lost, but that it is metaphorically lost in a dark forest of destructive ideologies, fraught with packs of ravenous power predators, feeding on weak sheep.

The coming quest to exit towards the light of the clearing, will be brutal for all, especially for those willing to fight for their liberty, sanity and in fact their very lives. The rewards are truly worth fighting for.

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Been watching the video's coming out. Heartbreaking. Someone made a comment that maybe all the "thugs" are UN. What's your take? I think it's a serious question. Soy Boy only got 32% of the vote. The people don't like him and now they detest him. I can't see the cops going against their neighbors. It's a small country, people wise, and I've seen a lot of cops with protesters. They stand with them.

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I live in Canada, and I can say for certain that I would much rather have Putin as my leader than Trudeau.

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