I'm actually an "ULTRA MAGA" ❤️❤️❤️🥰

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I'm Canadian but, I always was a Trump guy. I never hid for what I believed in, NEVER and never will. Maga!!

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I never had a hat, but I never made any secret of my support.

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My parents didn’t raise a wuss. I don’t hide from anyone, so if someone doesn’t like my politics, so be it.

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I came out as a Trump supporter because I was tired of hiding it. I've met really good like minded people since then so I have no regrets. I have lost friends due to it but I like my new friends better value wise.

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I am awed by the Constitution and what it represents and I fear that most people may not appreciate what it means.

I am appalled by those who swear to protect and defend the Constitution and totally ignore it for personal or political gain and benefit by their lack of integrity.

I am most respectful of the man who was above party politics and accomplished more in one term than most do in two. This is bigger than MAGA.

I am tired of broken processes where we need to act astonished when it doesn’t work. It consistently doesn’t work again and again and again. For obvious reasons.

I am disgusted to be constantly asked for money to fix issues that never get fixed so that they can ask for money to fix the issues that never get fixed so that they can ask for money to fix issues that never get fix. When will the merry-go-round stop? Simply take any significant issue and see how long it has been around. Treading on gun rights, storming people’s homes armed with deadly weapons, violating their rights and showing utter contempt for the citizens who are actually the ones who are empowered by the Constitution. You would think that they had never read the Constitution.

I am very proud of my country, what it stands for and what it has accomplished because of the individual citizens who have stood up and made us proud.

Yes, I do by American Made and local unless that is not an option.

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Ever since he came down the staircase. I'm proud to support POTUS Trump.

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110% MAGA!! Let Freedom ring

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Let America Be Great Again, but only because I'm behind enemy lines.

100% MAGA,


Defund DC

Made in the USA, or Bust

Question Authority

Live FREE or DIE.

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I am 100% openly MAGA

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I openly support Trump and MEGA

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President Trump isn’t perfect but people see he was right about so many things. This strengthens the MAGA movement and weakens Democrats & Republicans, which is why they both dislike POTUS 45.

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I wave my MAGA flag proudly from my deplorable basket!!!

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Yes. But I don’t run around with MAGA gear. Too many nuts out there and I have no desire to deal with anyone.

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I didn't start out in the MAGA camp, but I was on board by 2020. Ironically it was because of how rabidly the left went after him. I started researching the things they were saying about him and finding out they were misrepresenting facts and/or outright lying in almost all cases. It made me realize how much he had accomplished while constantly under attack. Now I'm firmly and openly MAGA.

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Yes, though I've never been in the MAGA closet. I bought my red MAGA hat on line during the 2016 convention (Trump Tower had run out of stock) and I wear it almost every day and just about everywhere I go. Living in Westchester and often visiting New York City, I sometime feel like "Where's Waldo?" but in a part of the wold where people don't make eye contact, I've had so many strangers come up to me and complement me on that hat. I've met so many great people this way.

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