I'm voluntarily out of work because I refuse to get the vaccine, especially because I had Covid previously and came through it with no problems. I don't receive unemployment and am surviving off my savings with the hope the various lawsuits challenging the mandates prevail before I go broke.

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If you walk down any street in any town in America you could literally have a job within 5 minutes, but if the liberal douche bags have their way poor Americans will never have to work again.

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Obviously quite unaware that they are pricing themselves out of a job. As the technology cheapens at some point it becomes far less expensive to install a machine to replace the worker. I really do think it's sad that someone in their 40s or 50s is working in a fast food restaurant and they have no other options for employment. But soon they'll be replaced by the automatic burger flipper ordering kiosk and other automated devices with only a couple of employees to pass out the food. Then the Democrats plan will be even further advanced by making more people completely dependent upon the government for their support. And in return they'll vote for the people that put them in that situation. It's the same formula they've used on inner cities in America for generations.

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Mandating that companies with over 100 employees be vaccinated have hurt the middle class. Those who don’t or can’t get the covid jab, cannot work in places that require it. Do the math people. A lot more people who resist this jab, the more on unemployment, relying yet again on the government for hand outs. Socialism at its finest. The great reset isn’t on its way, it’s already here!

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As a parent of working age young adults I think people need to wake up to the fact that this isn’t just a lazy millennial problem anymore. The mandates at work places and colleges are backing young people into a corner. The big question no one is talking about is liability. Who will cover the medical cost of an adverse reaction to the vaccine. The college? The business? The government? We know it is not the drug company. Is that restaurant job pay worth potentially jeopardizing your health, having mile high medical bills you can’t pay and possible death? Unless they can get a job at the post office or be a congressional staffer they are having to choose between getting a jab with unknown possible life altering side effects or not being able to get a job and starvation. As far as I know the jabs available in the US are still emergency use so when you sign that paper you sign away liability. What type of choice is that?

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Maybe I'm missing something here. Restaurants are short staffed, which has already hurt their business. Now not only are they short staffed, but they're raising prices? That seems insane to me. If I'm missing something, please let me know.

Love ya, Mr Stein! Keep up the great work.

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You may be forgetting the increase in food prices although I don't know how anyone can. Factor in the added food costs due to 11% inflation. The Brandon administration would have us believe inflation is at 5% but they're lying.

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Yes, I was forgetting that! I have no idea why, since I'm always commenting on how expensive things are lol. Thank you 😁

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