Honestly if the gop doesn't pull its trunk, out of its "trunk", the whole country will end up looking like CA and NY. The miasmic swamp of DC has putrefied their integrity.

They aren't answering constituent emails, or letters and the hapless interns answering calls are like the kids doing detention in the principles office being asked to answer the phones while the secretary takes an hour long smoke break.

But, what choice is there? No dem hasn't capitulated to the mob. The Libertarians are rudderless dreamers. The Greens are baths!t crazy. And the gop seems to figure while they've got us over the barrel they may as well have their way with us. We can't out buy them from their globalist benefactors.

So what's the answer? Canada's truckers seem to have found a voice. As primaries near, it is a perfect time for Americans, of all vocations, to find their voice, and amplify it with direct action that the Pravda media can not ignore.

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Don’t let Dominion discourage you. We need to turn out in droves to stop this self-destruction, I am still baffled how this installed resident had the most votes in history.

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