Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

I can tell you I miss my fellow patriots on Parler so much! Communicating with them daily was the same as being with family. I am crushed at what’s going on in this country. Feels like the CCP is here to silence us conservatives. Discrimination, disenfranchisement at many turns. I’m in my 60’s and I never thought I’d see an election stolen and Congress is ok with it?! Nor the huge effort to take away our free speech. The so called excuse of the “riot”, which they knew in advance, being used is abhorrent. Afraid this is only the beginning...demonrats killing our country

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Me too, Nina. But, maybe God is telling us to forget our fellow men & women temporarily to focus solely on Him. I finally got a gab account created on my fourth attempt. I’ve made 20 posts, and my last one said I’m focusing only on God for the next 7-10 days.

I’m only here because of my love for Ben and his friends - my new friends too.

I’m going back to my Holy Spirit connection to God as much as I can. Thankfully, I have some work tomorrow, where I can pray while my hands are busy.

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Yes, I can't get to Gab - I've tried to create an account but Clouthub works somewhat - locks up a lot and you can't share or reply often. So I just go on there and read it - A lot of my Parler friends are on there. I am focusing on God and praying constantly we are in scary times right now.

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Nina so do I

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

I miss everyone too. We can’t give up on Parler or they win. When they come back we need to go back in droves!!! My understanding from an interview John gave is every time they get a new vendor it falls they at the last minute. Elon Musk where are you???

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Dan bonging was on the blaze this morning and said they hope Parler is up this weekend!

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100% whole heartedly agree Nina .... Parler was great... it will be back one way or another .... everyone stop using google search, google browsers, and any other google products.... I'm doing my best to make a statement that will get notice thru financial means... hit them in the pocket book so to say ..... so now I use Brave browser with Duck Duck Go search.... and changed email from Gmail to Proton Mail ....... started using clouthub, gab, mewe, rumble, triller, instead of facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, signal, and tiktok. even if you don't delete your accounts with the BigTech tyrants, just stop posting or interacting with them... they will feel it thru a loss of click revenue...

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Epoch Times said 51 billion lost between Twitter and Facebook. We are making a difference. Follow the previous post's suggestions.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thanks for the update. Please consider posting videos to Rumble or Bitchute. Many of us are trying to avoid YouTube. 🙂

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This is Judah, and just to let you know we have checked out Rumble. Two things. One, they do not allow live Streaming as of now via zoom, secondly they do use YouTube.

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

They use it because they have to. Work with them. Can u use something other than Zoom? Than you for looking into it!!!

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Great minds :-)

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They’re considering it, but in the process they discovered that Rumble is powered by YouTube, so it’s still up in the air.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

At the risk of repeating what others have said here, Mitch McConnell is furious at Present Trump and wants him out of the Republican Party. We need to vote these Rhinos out! Either that or start a new party. I’m so sick of these idiots in DC. If these fools vote to Impeach I’m done. Also, I’m having withdrawals from Parler!

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

How we ended up with Clinton is a 3rd party Ross Perot candidate. The Republican Party just needs to eliminate RINO Republicans. Thinning our numbers will guarantee losses in the future. That’s my opinion. I’ve been a conservative Republican my entire life. I choose to fix it before I’ll abandon it.

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Yes, I know it’s a dumb idea for a third party; I’m just tired of the establishment Republicans in Congress and want them to go away.

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

When I hear people pushing the third party idea, I push back only because I want unity, not more division. If we could scrap the republican party fully, then it makes sense. But if not we are better fixing the problem rather than pursuing the Patria party or a third-party. That’s just my opinion. Thanks for writing back

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there is actually only one party .... majority of dems and reps are just opposite sides of the same coin (agenda) ... a new party would balace it out as thou it was a 2 party system like it was 130+ years ago before world bankers got involved.

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if law and order were upheld decades ago ,,,, there wouldn't be a need to fix either side of the corrupted officials .... for too long they have gotten away with shaddy deals that only help themselves... i voted both times for Ross because he was an outsider,,,, same with trump,,, but no matter how many good guys make it in,,, nothing will change without law and order being upheld and served.... "we do not forget"

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Ben, please keep writing! You are a lifeline during these frightening times we are in. Thank you for speaking out and speaking up for the America we love!

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

So grateful to have you to connect all of us who were silenced after the unjust silencing of Parler. I had already deleted Facebook and Twitter and am now in the process of getting Google out of my life (it takes time, but is worth the effort). My next step will be ridding myself if Amazon. I know these companies seem to make our lives easier, but with that, comes great loss. We have given them too much power and the conservatives of this country should take the time to cut them out of our lives and support smaller companies who value our constitutional rights. Our support can help grow conservative companies just as it did with the current tech giants. Let's keep the faith, hold the line and refuse to be silenced.

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I should probably be ashamed to admit this, because it IS petty. But, until I can disentangle myself from Amazon, this is my plan. I have prime and have no interest in penalizing myself by not using it until it expires. Anyway, I ordered two casserole dishes a few weeks ago and now I realize that I should have ordered them one at a time on two different days so Amazon has to pay the shipping twice. I know! I told you it is petty, but it makes me feel like I have an eensy weensy bit of power....part of our collective angst is being so powerless to fight the lies, to find the truth, to explain, to defend. If a lot of us did this till we can be rid of them they might feel it a little bit. And if they don’t, I at least feel like I have some purse power.

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I know it’s so hard!! I started by canceling subscription and set my goal by my prime subscription renewal date ( March) I store our family photos with them and I am still removing thousands from Facebook so it’s a mess. I am also transferring all my documents off google drive. I am buying portable hard drives and the just going to clean up photos and print them ... going old school. Once that is done google Amazon’s and Facebook will be gone from our lives. Since we don’t have Cable it means very little television but I am counting on radio broadcasts and I am going to investigate roku to see who owns it. I am switching to Walmart for my online shopping and Chewy for pet delivery. We buy everything else local anyway.

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Know Your Enemies!

These are the companies that have just volunteered to be on the boycott list of anyone who is a Trump supporter, a patriot, or believes in the intergrity of the election process and the First Amendment. They have all pulled funding for the few remaining

Republicans who support President Trump. PLEASE BOYCOTT THESE BUSINESSES INTO




Blue Cross/Blue Shield Stripe (payment process) Shopify (e-commerce)

PGA Golf Dow Chemical

Hallmark greeting cards American Express Commerce Bank

Goldman Sachs

Citigroup Morgan Stanley

JP Morgan Chase Bank of America Blalock

Vanguard Group Smithfield Foods Ford

Apple (Macintosh)



Deutsche Bank




Alphabet (Google)





Dow, Exxon


More businesses are to come, I'm sure. Make them regret it. And please SHARE this around. Don't just "like" it, emoji it, ect. But GET THE WORD OUT!

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I would add call, email or leave comments on their websites. Let them hear the other side of the story!

To get you started 1800HALLMARK

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Wow! I guess those companies aren't afraid of losing 74,000,000 customers.

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That's awesome.if we all make strides like that, those corporations will start to feel it. I believe we will have conservative options in the not too distant future. Until then, I'm done with big tech

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Let us know what you find out about room, please.

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Look, we all have our little ways of sending small jabs back at companies that offend us, however, when it comes to making Amazon pay twice for shipping, I'm under the impression that the deal Amazon made with the USPS is part of the reason the postal service isn't able to sustain itself. They are the ones getting screwed in the end. Amazon also owns most of the servers our internet providers use. We need to put our heads together I order to beat them at their own game. We need to create our own "conservative Amazon ", owned and operated by conservatives with products made only in the USA. I'm down to invest what I can (which isn't much),but I don't t have to brains to build something on that level.

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Many conservatives agree with your statement. It is now time to build a parallel business universe where freedom loving people can go to to get what they need and/or want without censorship.

I do believe we're seeing some of that now. Look at the competitor to AARP, Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). It is a conservative, nonpartisan organization looking out for the interests of Americans 50 years of age and older. Your going to start to see their membership increase. AARP has become an extension arm of the Democrat party. Patriot Mobile is taking on the big cell phone carriers. My Pillow is making end roads into the bed and linen market. Live streaming markets are going to eventually replace the cable channel markets as well as MSM. Ratings are showing that to be true.

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I look so forward to the day when conservative corporations are outperforming these liberal bullies. They need to be taught that arrogance, elitism and disregard for others won't be tolerated and that we won't be held hostage to their products.

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ES! 110% That's a great idea like the begining years of walmart ... before the sold out .... #purge21

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I agree! We need our own companies to do businesses. We need a common list of trusted companies. As for Amazon most of the vendors have their own website use Duck duck go search engine to find the products website and order from them directly. You won't penalize USPS like Amazon raping of them.

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Hi, Peg, well, if my petty ploy hurts the PO that is the last thing I’d want to have happen. Rats!

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Given that the USPS was and is part of our feder big government out of control I think we need to just take our stand. For too long we have hesitated because of our desire to protect everyone..... the left doesn’t care about protecting anyone! Look at what they do. Create dependency that destroys lives then tell those same people that the right ( the party the wants to give the good education and jobs) hates them. It’s utter foolishness. I don’t hate anyone.

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Keep in mind it is the USPS that has yet to get their budget in order. Yes there is this thought that if USPS keeps under the "government" they can have a better affect of controlling costs. Not so true in the end. Competition does that. That is why they need to be privatized. Look at FedEx and UPS. They are fierce competitors in the shipping/logistics market. Especially with the corporate accounts they set up. Those contracts are price fixed specifically to lower the shipping costs for those companies. Any business whether they're small or large has to keep a tight rein on their bottom line.

Keep their employees employed. Same goes for "individuals" who use FedEX and/or UPS to ship something.

Even in the international market where DHL has a high percentage of the market share. That market has fierce competition.

Government never creates anything that is beneficial to members of society. They never will.

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YES! That's it Peg .... 110% #purge21

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

FYI, Sunday night I needed cheering up—watched Ferris B and there you were!!! Lol

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I love that show!!!

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thank you for a voice of calm in a hysterical world. Have you thought about a Gab.com account?

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This is Judah responding, all options are open. Thank you.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Please more updates. Help us stay connected and up to date. Gab is promising but so slow right now because so many are flocking there. I hope your sources are correct and Parler makes a comeback. Thank you Ben for all you do!

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I’ll do my best to keep you up to date with accurate information, and try to post at least one daily update. As far as Gab is concerned, I’m hearing it is an alt-right outlet. Please feel free to providing feedback on Gab.

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it's like most any other platforms ... birds of a feather .... flock together ..... so i kinda all depends on who you follow and who you decide to ignore or mute .... give it a try and if you don't like it try another .... i'm surfing 3 or more now ...clouthub gab mewe triller rumble

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Maybe it’s good we all get to take a break from going on apps. I don’t go to any social media app now. I would rather read your emails and The Epoch times. I realized today that the stress I am feeling now is similar to the stress of 9/11. I was activated and sent to Japan. The uncertainty, for me, 20 years ago is some what the same. I found myself, today, enrolling in on line classes to keep my sanity. I did the same during 9/11. I’m tired and beat. I don’t watch the news. I listen to talk radio and I will finish my degree. I am greatly concerned for America. Time for me to get back to the simple things in life. Right now my stress and sanity need taken care of. I still need to know what happens in our country and I will look to you and my e-mails.

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Well said. The emotional toll clearly written on the faces of American loving Patriots is obvious.

I believe you are correct in saying it's time for most of us to unplug from the social media and regular news and center our feelings, morals, and perspectives. Spending more time with family and good books is such a positive.

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thank you, because in my world today, I don’t know what to believe and I will NOT let the fear over take me. I have been canceled out by family members who don’t want to hear or even discuss the riots of this summer or the hate and evil that has been happening since the George Floyd incident. My family members hate for President Trump is so deep seeded that they are willing to cancel out anyone. It’s pure evil. I don’t have or want that evil in my heart. God bless America

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Consider the rest of us your extended family, then! 😁 It's comforting to know there are millions out there just like us, feeling the same things and being treated as badly or worse.

The one positive is that who people are has been revealed through all of this; I know now exactly who I would trust and who In

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

I have a brother who hates Trump too. I asked him, "What has Trump done to this country that you hate?" His answer, "He's actually done a lot of good. I just don't like him." Sheesh! Yet, he voted for the other guy.

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

There is no research or finding what’s true or not! I don’t know my sister anymore. Her grown kids have filled her head with so much hate and false stuff. They won’t even discuss anything. I can’t be fake and I won’t walk on egg shells. It just blows my mind. My sister was even Clerk of the District court and ran as a Republican 15 years ago. I didn’t try to persuade her or anything. She can’t even have a civil conversation and won’t. I am nothing to her because of her hate for President Trump.

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Did you ever get a reason why so much hate? I've yet to get an answer from anyone on the left. My brother has no idea I'm so disappointed with him. He keeps trying to FT but I can't pick up....I know me, I'll blow. The loss of free speech for conservatives is heart breaking. It's an empty fearful feeling. I can well imagine how the Jews felt as their rights/freedoms were taken away. As we all know, it got so much worse.....devastating. I've forced myself to watch the horrids they went through. I never EVER thought this could happen in America and now fear a repeat of German History. I HOPE I sound ridiculous!

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nope... history repeats .... especially when nothing was learned from the past or when the truth of the past is covered up with a falls narrative ... didn't Grant say "we fought the wrong enemy" it's always been the global bankers ..... they hide behind groups and countries and commit crimes against all humanity.

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No, no reason ..... nothing! I posted a picture of all the President Trump supporters that morning. I was at work and didn’t hear about what happened until 6pm. She couldn’t handle the picture and left our family messenger group. I called her when I got home from work and didn’t even realize she had left the group. All she could say is that the female veteran that got shot and killed shouldn’t of been there and that she and her kids where freaking out because they thought Biden would be killed before Jan 20. I told her there have been riots all summer and what about the business and statues being torn down. She said the incident after the rally was not okay because it was in DC. She said those poor police and politicians... I couldn’t say anymore and I won’t. I will blow up. There will be troops sent overseas under a Biden administration and she and her family do not care about the blood shed over seas. She thinks President Trump wouldn’t send in the national guard to support DC. I researched that and it isn’t true. I can’t tell her that Obama didn’t condemn the riots back when the George Floyd incident happened and that Obama actually supported the riots and deviation. I can’t put aside my morals, ethics or principles. I can’t and I won’t even attempt to.. it’s not me.. I can’t pretend and I won’t. I’m a veteran, for God sake, I signed an oath and I still believe in that oath. It is engraved in my heart. Pray for our troops under a Biden administration.

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I am so sorry.

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my bro had covid and he didn't vote for trump cause of his remarks after he got the covid vaccine shot .... i was like really??? so you basically fired the guy over a remark? ..... guess the survival of the constitution and bill of rights wasn't important enough to him to overlook a single remark.... i said what about the burisma shit and hunters laptop videos and all the corruption ... he said what? what are you talking about? i said omg you don't know anything that is going on ...... smh. ..... msm cover-up.

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I find the same thing happening. People don't have a clue who they voted in.

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Need a good funny book suggestion!

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Leslie, I 'Echo' your feelings. Listened to Dan Bongino today...that helped. Then getting this letter from Ben was frosting. We'll get through this. May I recommend putting on some music, blast it, and Dance! Really helps me. Actually comes at the right time cause I've added too much pandemic weight and dancing will hopefully jiggle it away and clear the demons too.

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Oh, I know! Music is my savor! I deliver mail and while on my route I have a small transistor radio. I listen to Rush, but sometimes that’s to much, so I turn on the good old rock and roll! Your absolutely right!

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thanks Ben!

I feel like we’re in radio free Europe!

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Yup wait till we need ham radio

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Perhaps we have entered into the realm of Twilight Zone Radio Free America

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thank you for doing what you do and for being a voice for us we the people 🙏🏾🇺🇲♥️

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RINO's need to go....and a younger group of Republicans need to take a role...did you see Pelosi get offended when Leslie Stahl started listing people with their ages?Pelosi, 80...Schumer 79, ...Grassley 86....she got wound up....we need to have mandatory retirement ages...

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No we need term limits. Article V.

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I don’t think mandatory retirement age should be enforced, but TERM LIMITS are definitely needed! It’s not so much the age of the people, but the fact that they have been in office too long! Two terms and you’re done.

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Or those with some type of serious medical condition that limits their cognitive function, including cognitive decline, should be replaced, too.

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And term limits

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O I agree

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Jan 13, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

I've never left a comment before, though I've loved your writing (and other content) for years. So here goes:

Thank you so much for going to this newsletter format. It's almost funny--or would be, under different circumstances--how easy it has been for me to drop social media and shift back to how things were in the earlier days of the internet. I won't be sad if newsletters and email groups make a comeback!

The way social media never shut off, always refreshing, always updating-- it is at times too "loud." In the same way that constant artificial light dims the stars, so does a constant stream of media dim our minds.

So thank you again. Thank you for the lovely, thoughtful--and thought-provoking--content you continue to create and share.


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Kara, I whole heartily agree. I personally like this format much better. I was new to this social media craze, always believing a phone should be a phone... it rings, you answer it and have a conversation. But wishing to support voices that spoke the truth, I hesitantly joined Parler. It was fun and enlightening, but you are correct, very loud and chaotic, and in recent weeks extremely alarming. A newsletter, such as this, gives one better focus on the topic. You are not distracted from the conversation at hand by new parleys or videos that cut in out. I am also ‘old school’ and much prefer written prose to verbal discourse. It requires a greater depth of thought before one responds. DSB

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Stein, Stein, Stein, you are great! Keep up the good work.

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Thanks for continuing the updates! My question to you Ben, will Atlas shrug?

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Jan 12, 2021Liked by Ben Stein

Back in 2009, I started sharing your insights on the market crash with my clients. Your comments were the most sane and comforting comments that I could find and I thank you for that. It helped my business and my clients. Now here you are again, comforting citizens in an awfully scary time. And again, I thank you for your time, patriotism, sanity and ability to cut through it all.

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